



  • 三年级学生摩根患上了儿童多系统炎症综合征, 或MIS-C, 这是一种罕见而危险的COVID-19并发症,影响儿童和青少年.
  • A team approach at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center saved Morgan from the life-threatening illness, 通过协调的护理,包括她的情绪健康.
  • 摩根继续康复,回到了学校, playing dolls with her big sister and looking forward to kicking it on the soccer field.

8月9日,8岁的摩根·德茨(摩根deiz)发烧. 30岁时,她的母亲劳伦注意到了这一点,但她认为这不可能是COVID-19. Morgan had already had a mild case earlier that month after catching the coronavirus at camp, 她姐姐娜塔莉也有, 太. 在很大程度上,摩根已经恢复到她那个外向、活跃的样子.

No one in her family would have guessed that days later Morgan would be in Johns Hopkins Children’s Center fighting for her life. 原因: 儿童多系统炎症综合征,简称MIS-C这是COVID-19罕见但严重的并发症.


当摩根的发烧对扑热息痛不起反应时, 劳伦和她的丈夫, 贾斯汀, 越来越关注, 当他们的女儿出现胃痛时更是如此. 9月3日星期三. 摩根的情况更糟,手上起了疹子. 劳伦和贾斯汀带她去了约翰霍普金斯儿童中心 急诊科.

Morgan received fluids, and tests revealed a rapid heart rate and unusually low blood pressure. 在医院的时候, Lauren 说 her daughter developed red eyes and the skin on her lips cracked and split. 她的脚上起了疹子,高烧上升到104度. 摩根抱怨自己浑身酸痛,几乎无法保持清醒.

考虑到摩根的症状和她最近的COVID-19病史, 急诊科的医生诊断她患有 MIS-C,或儿童多系统炎症综合征, 这是感染SARS-CoV-2的潜在危险并发症, 导致COVID-19的冠状病毒.

她在儿童中心接受治疗 儿科重症监护病房(PICU).



MIS-C causes a surge of severe inflammation that can damage a child’s internal organs. 小儿重症监护 专家 梅根·伯尼尔,M.D., 谁关心摩根, 说, “We see more patients with MIS-C two to six weeks after a surge in COVID-19 cases. misc很可怕, but treating it with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and high doses of steroids can help calm down the immune system.”

到第二天, 摩根已经有所好转,可以在床上坐起来了, 她的家人希望那个周末能把她接回家. Bernier说:“周五,Morgan看起来棒极了. 我们的许多misc患者很快就康复了.” 的 signs showed that Morgan was turning the corner, and the team decreased her steroids.

但是在星期六, Lauren and 贾斯汀 saw that Morgan’s face was deeply flushed: the way she had looked days earlier in the 急诊科. Again, the child’s heart rate pushed upward while her blood pressure plunged. One of Morgan’s caregivers saw the change and immediately called for emergency intervention — a “code.”

劳伦和贾斯汀站在一旁,惊恐无助, doctors and nurses rushed to their daughter’s bedside to push fluids and provide breathing support and other rescue measures.

劳伦说:“时间静止了. 真是千钧一发啊, so gut-wrenching — seeing the resident press the blue code button and the room filling with people and tons of equipment and tears running down Morgan’s little cheeks.

“I think the hardest moment for us was after she was stabilized: 贾斯汀 and I wondered what would have happened if we had taken her home? 我们可能会失去她.”

摩根回到了重症监护室. 她的医生怀疑摩根是否有过敏反应. As it turned out, Morgan wasn’t allergic to her medication: She needed more of it. 的 儿科风湿病学家 在团队中, Julia Shalen, m.s.D., determined the dosage of steroids Morgan had received needed to be even stronger to keep her immune system from attacking her.

增加的剂量起了作用,阻止了这场危机, 但是三天后, 事情又发生了:摩根的脸涨得通红, 她心跳加速, 她的血压开始下降. 但是,劳伦说,团队知道该怎么做. “周二的坠机没有那么严重. 每个人都准备得更充分. 我们知道步骤是什么.”


Lauren 说 she and 贾斯汀 appreciate Morgan’s doctors and nurses listening to them when they sensed something was wrong.

在她血压下降之前, 我们会看到红红的脸颊, 我们的观察结果是在医生查房时报告的. 周二第二次发生时,我们指出了这一点. 他们很快就看到并同意了,并制定了护理计划.

“Getting information from doctors can be intimidating if they’re using big words, 缩略语和专业术语. 但摩根的医生用词清晰并尊重我们的参与.

“他们是各自领域的杰出专家,劳伦说, 他们尊重我们了解摩根的专业知识.”


As Morgan started doing better, Lauren 说 visits from family members helped Morgan’s spirits. 但她经历了那么多, 厌倦了医院, 静脉注射,远离家人和朋友.

“She was especially disappointed that she was missing her first day at school, 她很喜欢,劳伦说。. “摩根是个不折不扣的交际花,和别人在一起最开心.”

来解决摩根严重疾病带来的心理影响, 团队拜访了儿童中心 孩子的生活 集团. 凯利·埃尔科尔,m.s.S.,进一步推动, who specializes in working with patients on the pediatric clinical research and cardiac unit, 以摩根为例.

Ercole 说 she engaged Morgan in a therapeutic art activity to allow her to process her worries and fears in a developmentally appropriate way. 在活动期间, 摩根在空白画布上画画或写字, 她经历过最艰难的部分:打针, 睡眠不足和缺课. 埃尔科尔和摩根一起找出了有帮助的东西, 比如家访, 儿童生活的奖品箱里的游戏活动和零食.

“总的来说,这个活动给了摩根一个安全的空间来处理她的情绪, 有表达的出口吗, and a sense of control in an environment that lacked so much control for her,埃尔科尔说。. She adds that other play activities she involved Morgan in helped make the hospital environment less frightening.

Lauren 说, “的 doctors saved Morgan’s life, but Kelley and 孩子的生活 brought her spirit back.”


摩根和她的家人在家庭聚会上Two weeks after Morgan’s first symptoms, Lauren 说, the family felt more hopeful. “摩根感觉很好,可以站起来走路了,劳伦说, “这就像, ‘Oh my gosh; our daughter’s back. 最后这是摩根两周后的样子.’”

星期五,9月. 摩根回家了. 劳伦说,她的女儿离开儿童中心时有点难过. “她喜欢和凯利一起在医院里散步, 玩宾果游戏和迪士尼琐事, 和人见面,被当作名人对待. 儿童生活部门在情感上给了她很大帮助. 现在当她谈到医院时,她说没那么糟糕.”

But home brought Morgan back to what she loves the most: her older sister, Natalie. 两个女孩, 谁都喜欢洋娃娃, 做珠手镯,一起出去玩, 我们终于团聚了.

几天后摩根回到学校. 她还在进行有限的活动并跟进 艾伦·埃弗雷特,M.D., 她的儿科心脏病专家, 谁说, “摩根恢复得很好, 并在国内蓬勃发展.(埃弗雷特指出,他在儿童中心的同事 Blalock-Taussig-Thomas儿科和先天性心脏中心 收到了 美国国立卫生研究院的研究经费,用于开发MIS-C的预测模型.)

Morgan undergoes regular blood tests to measure signs of inflammation (c-reactive protein) and a peptide that indicates heart damage, 但是到目前为止, 她的血检结果显示无需担心. 风湿病学家茱莉亚·沙伦说,摩根小心翼翼地戒掉了类固醇, 他正在与约翰霍普金斯大学的胃肠病学医生进行后续研究. (Morgan在MIS-C发病前出现了一些胃肠道症状, which might have had something to do with the severity of her immune reaction.)

与此同时,摩根正在康复. 劳伦说:“摩根做得很好. Her energy is returning for now, and she got to play her first game of rec league soccer. 她不喜欢坐以待毙. 她是个活泼的小孩,活泼开朗,无忧无虑.”

misc: COVID-19可能对儿童造成严重影响的一个原因

摩根和她的妹妹在上学前合影“Morgan is a healthy kid who got COVID and then got a bad complication of that,” 说 Shalen. “It speaks to the importance of community efforts to protect our unvaccinated population against COVID. 这家人做了他们该做的一切, 但在当时, 他们8岁的孩子还没有接种疫苗.”

Lauren 说 her experience left her with strong feelings about coronavirus precautions and those who don’t take COVID-19 seriously.

“COVID确实会影响儿童,”她说. “I was so hurt when I saw on social media that parents were wanting to unmask kids. 刚开始,COVID对摩根来说就像感冒一样,但看看它的后果. No one thinks it could happen to their child, but this coronavirus can be different in each child. 我还在努力消化和学习.”

约翰霍普金斯儿童中心的研究小组也在继续学习. 虽然misc相对罕见, the Children’s Center has treated almost 50 children with the disorder and learned from each case.

Shalen说, “的 American College of Rheumatology’s MIS-C task force has already revised its recommendations for treating MIS-C twice, 更多的比较治疗方法的研究正在出现. We are incorporating new knowledge as it’s available and figuring out the treatment that’s best for each kid.

“照顾患有misc的孩子是一项合作的努力. It speaks to the strength of these large pediatric departments where people are able to work together and adapt, 要明白事情正在到来,并有远见地作出反应, 因为我们之前处理过这个问题.”

了解更多关于 misc与COVID-19.



  • 凯利·埃尔科尔,m.s.S.,进一步推动


